PySpark create new display column from DICT

Using Spark 1.6 I have a DataFrame column

Spark DataFrame column

(named let let's say col1

) with the values ​​A, B, C, DS, DNS, E, F, G and H and I want to create a new column (say col2

) with the values ​​from the below dict

like should I display this? (so 'A' has to be matched against 'S', etc.)

dict = {'A': 'S', 'B': 'S', 'C': 'S', 'DS': 'S', 'DNS': 'S', 'E': 'NS', 'F': 'NS', 'G': 'NS', 'H': 'NS'}



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1 answer

Inefficient solution with UDF (version independent):

from pyspark.sql.types import StringType
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf

def translate(mapping):
    def translate_(col):
        return mapping.get(col)
    return udf(translate_, StringType())

df = sc.parallelize([('DS', ), ('G', ), ('INVALID', )]).toDF(['key'])
mapping = {
    'A': 'S', 'B': 'S', 'C': 'S', 'DS': 'S', 'DNS': 'S', 
    'E': 'NS', 'F': 'NS', 'G': 'NS', 'H': 'NS'}

df.withColumn("value", translate(mapping)("key"))


with the result:

|    key|value|
|     DS|    S|
|      G|   NS|
|INVALID| null|


Much more efficient (Spark 2.0+ only) is to create a literal MapType


from pyspark.sql.functions import col, create_map, lit
from itertools import chain

mapping_expr = create_map([lit(x) for x in chain(*mapping.items())])

df.withColumn("value", mapping_expr.getItem(col("key")))


with the same result:

|    key|value|
|     DS|    S|
|      G|   NS|
|INVALID| null|


but a more efficient execution plan:

== Physical Plan ==
*Project [key#15, keys: [B,DNS,DS,F,E,H,C,G,A], values: [S,S,S,NS,NS,NS,S,NS,S][key#15] AS value#53]
+- Scan ExistingRDD[key#15]


versus UDF version:

== Physical Plan ==
*Project [key#15, pythonUDF0#61 AS value#57]
+- BatchEvalPython [translate_(key#15)], [key#15, pythonUDF0#61]
   +- Scan ExistingRDD[key#15]




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