Mocking Exceptions with Mockito: Unexpected Exception Error

This is my service code:

public class Service {
   public Object serviceMethod() throws MyException {
      Dao dao;

      try {
         return dao.dao_method();
      } catch (ExceptionFromDaoMethod e) {
         throw (new MyException());


I want to write a simple Unit Test; this is my test case:

Dao dao;

Service service;

public void shouldReturnMyException throws MyException {
   when(service.serviceMethod()).thenThrow(new MyException());


This test failed because I have an unexpected exception:

the expected exception is MyException but org.mockito.exception.base.MockitoException

Why? What's the solution?

Update Thanks to @Maciej Kowalski, I pointed out that I am using the when clause versus the real class, not the mocking one. So I added an annotation @Spy

to the service in Unit Test.
New test code:

Dao dao;

Service service;


public void shouldReturnMyException throws MyException {
   doThrow(new MyException()).when(service.serviceMethod());


But now I have this problem:

the expected exception is MyException, but


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2 answers

You will need @spy Service as I am assuming you are using it as an instance with a real implementation called.

So try this:

Service service;

public void shouldReturnMyException throws MyException {
   doThrow(new MyException()).when(service).serviceMethod();


Remember to start with doXX while mocking @Spy.


If you want to mock the dao call (which is the best candidate for a test ..) you will need to make some changes if you want to use a simple Mockito.

If the dao is independent of your instance, you will have to change your prod method:

public class Service {
   public Object serviceMethod() throws MyException {
      Dao dao = getDaoInstance();
      try {
         return dao.dao_method();
      } catch (ExceptionFromDaoMethod e) {
         throw (new MyException());

   Dao getDaoInstance(){
      return new Dao();


And your test class should I like more or less:

Dao dao;

Service service;

public void shouldReturnMyException throws MyException {

   when(dao.dao_method()).thenThrow(new ExceptionFromDaoMethod());





Finally I found a solution: creating unit tests for a Spring project is more difficult than I expected (at least using only the Mockito Framework), so I found a solution using some Spring Annotations as well

So this is my new working test:

Dao dao;

Service service;

public void shouldReturnMyException throws MyException {
   when(dao.dao_method()).thenThrow(new ExceptionFromDaoMethod());




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