How to parse HH: mm into the number of minutes, taking into account the locale's time separator?

I have an input string of the format "HH: mm" where the time separator matches the language setting (for example, "10: 45" for USA or "10.45" for Italy). I need to convert it to a number of minutes.

This is what I came up with:

String timeSeparator = getTimeSeparator(locale);
String[] duration = durationString.split(Pattern.quote(timeSeparator));
int minutes = Integer.valueOf(duration[0])*60 + Integer.valueOf(duration[1]);



method taken from stackoverflow question/1043525 / ...

Is there an easier way? For example using `java.time '.


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5 answers

In Java 8 you can use DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedTime

to get the date and time format. Then you can use it to parse the string intoLocalTime

and extract the minute field .

public static int getMinute(String timeString, Locale locale) {
  DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedTime(FormatStyle.SHORT)
  LocalTime time = LocalTime.parse(timeString, formatter);
  return time.getHour()*60 + time.getMinute();



System.out.println(getMinute("10.47", new Locale("fi")));   // 647
System.out.println(getMinute("11:23", Locale.ROOT));        // 683


If you don't need a time separator, we could use a fixed pattern.

public static int getMinute(String timeString, Locale locale) {
  DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("HH[:][.]mm", locale);
  LocalTime time = LocalTime.parse(timeString, formatter);
  return time.getHour()*60 + time.getMinute();


( […]

Is optional, so it will fit HH:mm


, HHmm






    "PT" + 
    "10:45".replace( ":" , "M" )
           .replace( "-" , "M" )
           .replace( "." , "M" )
           .replace( "," , "M" )
    + "S" 


"10:45" → PT10M45S → 10

ISO 8601 format

The ISO 8601 standard defines the format for such time intervals that are not tied to the timeline:PnYnMnDTnHnMnS

The icon P

indicates the beginning. T

separates any years-months-days from hours-minutes-seconds. So, an hour and a half - PT1H30M

. Your example is ten minutes and forty-five seconds PT10M45S


Perform simple string manipulation to convert your input to this format.

String input = "10:45" ;
String inputStandardized = "PT" + 
    input.replace( ":" , "M" )
         .replace( "-" , "M" )
         .replace( "." , "M" )
         .replace( "," , "M" )
         + "S" ;




Disassemble how Duration

. The java.time classes use ISO 8601 formats by default when parsing and generating strings. Therefore, there is no need to specify a formatting template.

Duration duration = Duration.parse( inputStandardized );


duration.toString (): PT10M45S

You can use an object Duration

to do date and time math by going to plus

and minus

. Thus, you may not need the minutes as an integer. But you can set the total number of minutes in the duration.

long minutes = duration.toMinutes();



See this code run at .

Council. Using the clock format over a period of time is problematic. Ambiguity leads to confusion and errors. I suggest using the ISO 8601 standard formats for durations as they are designed to be unambiguous, easy to read, and easy to parse.



Notice very elegant, but it will get the job done

String pattern = DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedTime(FormatStyle.SHORT)
    .replaceFirst("\\d*", "H").replaceFirst("\\d.*", "mm");
DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(pattern, locale);
int minutes = formatter.parse(string).get(ChronoField.MINUTE_OF_DAY);




You can use the method getLocalizedDateTimePattern

to get a template with which to initialize DateTimeFormatter

to parse the time with a given language. The first one null

refers to a date that you don't need in your case.

String timePattern = DateTimeFormatterBuilder.getLocalizedDateTimePattern(
            null, FormatStyle.SHORT, IsoChronology.INSTANCE, locale);


Then you use it to create the formatting (note that you need to specify the locale again):

DateTimeFormatter dtf = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(timePattern, locale);


If, instead of formatting SHORT

for, locale

you expect "HHcmm"

where 'c'

is a non-numeric char that is the time separator for that locale

, then either:

  • extract numbers from text

    String[] duration = durationString.split("\\D");
    int minutes = parseInt(duration[0])*60 + parseInt(duration[1]);

  • do DateTimeFormatter

    with time separator

    DateTimeFormatter dtf = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(
            String.format("HH%smm", timeSeparator), locale);
    LocalTime time = LocalTime.parse(text, dtf);
    int minutes = time.toSecondOfDay() / 60;

    or if you should

    int minutes = ChronoUnit.MINUTES.between(LocalTime.MIN, time);



First analyze the time of the instance LocalTime

, then calculate the difference at the start of the day with Duration


    DateTimeFormatter formatter = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder()
            .appendLocalized(null, FormatStyle.SHORT)
    LocalTime time = LocalTime.from(formatter.parse("10.45"));
    long minutes = Duration.between(LocalTime.MIN, time).toMinutes();


higher results up to 645



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