Plotting barcode from Pandas data with dots
I want to plot a horizontal barcode from a Pandas frame but dont know how to start.
My data looks like
max min point1 point2
Series 1 50 10 40 30
Series 2 60 20 50 40
Couldn't help but paint something. I want to get something like this:
Colors are not important. Here is the data frame:
import pandas as pd
data = pd.DataFrame(dict(min=[10, 20],
max=[50, 60],
point1=[40, 50],
point2=[30, 40]),
index=["Series 1", "Series 2"])
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Here is a plot that is very similar to the picture from the question. It is created matplotlib.pyplot
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
data = pd.DataFrame(dict(min=[10, 20],
max=[50, 60],
point1=[40, 50],
point2=[30, 40]),
index=["Series 1", "Series 2"])
plt.barh(range(len(data)), data["max"]-data["min"], height=0.3, left=data["min"])
plt.plot(data["point1"], range(len(data)), linestyle="", markersize=10,
marker="o", color="#ff6600", label="Point 1", markeredgecolor="k")
plt.plot(data["point2"], range(len(data)), linestyle="", markersize=10,
marker="o", color="#aa0000", label="Point 2", markeredgecolor="k")
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You can make any drawing you want with matplotlib
You can specify the bottom / top of the horizontal hatches in matplotlib as it is done (using your dataframe as a reference):
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# make a bar floating in space
index_labels = data.index
index = np.arange(index_labels)
right_edge = data['max']
left_edge = data['min']
plt.barh(index, right_edge, left=left_edge)
plt.yticks(index, index_labels)
This should generate a horizontal bar chart where you indicate the start and end points of the bars. You can link to the docs here: and see an example here: ...
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I don't know your data, but pandas can display boxes from plane data by automatically grouping min, max and percentiles. One example close to yours might be the following:
import pandas as pd
"Series 2":[20,25,20,30,45,60],
"Series 1":[10,12,20,40,45,50]
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If you really want draw points and hand-crafted rectangles, you can do it like this:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle, Circle
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, xlim=(0, 70), ylim=(0, 70))
ax.add_artist(Rectangle(xy=(10, 49), color="g", width=40, height=2))
ax.add_artist(Circle(xy=(30, 50), color="orange", radius=1))
ax.add_artist(Circle(xy=(40, 50), color="red", radius=1))
ax.add_artist(Rectangle(xy=(20, 19), color="b", width=40, height=2))
ax.add_artist(Circle(xy=(40, 20), color="orange", radius=1))
ax.add_artist(Circle(xy=(50, 20), color="red", radius=1))
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