Error: xml.sax.SAXParseException while parsing xml file with wikixmlj

I am parsing a wikipedia xml dump using wikixmlj and getting the following error.

org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 64243259; columnNumber: 371; JAXP00010004: The accumulated size of entities is "50,000,001" that exceeded the "50,000,000" limit set by "FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING".
        at edu.jhu.nlp.wikipedia.WikiXMLSAXParser.parse(


So this part of the error is the main one:

The accumulated size of objects is "50,000.001", which has exceeded the "50,000,000" limit set by "FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING".

I cannot find a solution to this problem.


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1 answer

Adding three more arguments when running the java command solved my problem.

-DentityExpansionLimit = 2147480000 -DtotalEntitySizeLimit = 2147480000 -Djdk.xml.totalEntitySizeLimit = 2147480000

So right now I am running my code with the following command.

nohup java -DentityExpansionLimit = 2147480000 -DtotalEntitySizeLimit = 2147480000 -Djdk.xml.totalEntitySizeLimit = 2147480000 -Xmx16g -cp "lib / *. jar" -jar dist / WikiRarchy.jar 32 &

The issue was due to the fact that, by default, secure processing limits the number of objects to 50,000,000, and this expansion limit controls the expansion of the entity.



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