Accessing a dictionary from a class dynamically without knowing its name

I have a class named SomeClass

. It contains several dictionaries.

public class SomeClass
    public Dictionary<double, int[]> Dict1;
    public Dictionary<double, int[]> Dict2;
    public Dictionary<double, int[]> Dict3;


I find out the name of the dictionary at runtime. Means in which the dictionary I need to assign data is only known at runtime. I am getting the name of the dictionary string

dynamically. Something like -

String dictName = "Dict1"; //Achieved through some code mechanism in my project.

SomeClass DynValue = new SomeClass();
DynValue.[dictName/* Known at run time */].Add(3, new int[] { 5, 10 });



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3 answers

You must initialize the dictionaries after creating the object.

public class SomeClass
    public Dictionary<double, int[]> Dict1 = new Dictionary<double, int[]>();
    public Dictionary<double, int[]> Dict2 = new Dictionary<double, int[]>();
    public Dictionary<double, int[]> Dict3 = new Dictionary<double, int[]>();


To dynamically change the field of an object using a name, you must use reflection:

    String dictName = "Dict1"; //Achieved through some code mechanism in my project.

    SomeClass obj = new SomeClass();

    // Get dictionary interface object of 'Dict1' field using reflection
    var targetDict = obj.GetType().GetField(dictName).GetValue(obj) as IDictionary;

    // Add key and value to dictionary
    targetDict.Add(3.5d, new int[] { 5, 10 });


If you need to initialize a dictionary using reflection, you should use this:

String dictName = "Dict1"; //Achieved through some code mechanism in my project.

SomeClass obj = new SomeClass();

// Get field info by name
var dictField = obj.GetType().GetField(dictName);

// Get dictionary interface object from field info using reflection
var targetDict = dictField.GetValue(obj) as IDictionary;
if (targetDict == null) // If field not initialized
    // Initialize field using default dictionary constructor
    targetDict = dictField.FieldType.GetConstructor(new Type[0]).Invoke(new object[0]) as IDictionary;

    // Set new dictionary instance to 'Dict1' field
    dictField.SetValue(obj, targetDict);

targetDict.Add(3.5d, new int[] { 5, 10 });




I agree that this is nice.

If a population with a lot of elements is possible in loops, the reflection might not be the same as the performer. Only profiling will be shown.

If you have a small (or fixed) number of internal dictionaries, may I suggest moving on to something like below. I used nameof to make the safe code below.

class SomeClass
    private readonly Dictionary<double, int[]> Dict1 = new Dictionary<double, int[]>();
    private readonly Dictionary<double, int[]> Dict2 = new Dictionary<double, int[]>();
    private readonly Dictionary<double, int[]> Dict3 = new Dictionary<double, int[]>();

    public Dictionary<double, int[]> this[string index]

            case nameof(Dict1)) return Dict1;
            case nameof(Dict2)) return Dict2;
            case nameof(Dict3)) return Dict3;
                throw new KeyNotFoundException(index);

    public static void Main(string[] args)
        var c = new SomeClass();
        c["Dict1"].Add(42.0, new [100, 200]);
        c["Dict20"].Add(43.0, new [102, 203]); //  KeyNotFoundException("Dict20")




I would add another dictionary of dictionaries that has been initialized for your private dictionaries.

This way you can search without loops, have no reflection or dynamic properties.



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