HttpClient vs HtmlUnit

I know what the HtmlUnit

browser is mimicking and HttpClient


Q HtmlUnit

, when the page is loaded and there is JavaScript inside, will the script execute? If the script sets a cookie, will the cookie be set in the browser HtmlUnit

and available from Java code?

Is there anything that can be done with HttpClient

, but not using HtmlUnit

? As HtmlUnit

possible to start from a POST request and change any part of the HTTP-request, including the method, URI, HTTP version, headers and body?

What are the advantages HttpClient

over HtmlUnit



source to share

1 answer


is a lower level library for sending HTTP requests and receiving responses.


is at a higher level and uses internally HttpClient

to make HTTP requests, but also handles JavaScript (via Rhino

and internal DOM implementation), XPath (via Xalan

), CSS (via CSSParser

), mangled HTML (via NekoHtml

), WebSockets (via Jetty

), etc. ...

You can change outgoing requests and response HtmlUnit

as follows:

new WebConnectionWrapper(webClient) {

    public WebResponse getResponse(WebRequest request) throws IOException {
        WebResponse response = super.getResponse(request);
        if (request.getUrl().toExternalForm().contains("my_url")) {
            String content = response.getContentAsString("UTF-8");

            //change content

            WebResponseData data = new WebResponseData(content.getBytes("UTF-8"),
                    response.getStatusCode(), response.getStatusMessage(), response.getResponseHeaders());
            response = new WebResponse(data, request, response.getLoadTime());
        return response;


as outlined here .

You can change the used HttpClient

in HtmlUnit

by overriding HttpWebConnection.createHttpClient()


You can make a request POST


WebRequest webRequest = new WebRequest(url, HttpMethod.POST);
HtmlPage page = webClient.getPage(webRequest);




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