Java wildcard inheritance

So how can we do

ArrayList<?> l = new ArrayList<Integer>();


Can you tell which ArrayList<?>

is the superclass ArrayList<Integer>

? Is the above example therefore displaying polymorphism?

Refresh . In general, If A<T>

is a superclass B<T>

, then

A<?> obj = new B<Integer>();


Then we can say what A<?>

is super class B<Integer>



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3 answers

Here inheritance applies to generic classes, not generic arguments

that is, it is ArrayList<?>

not a superclassArrayList<Integer>

This is the same class with different type parameters. If you were using any other type parameter than the <?>

code would not work. even with superclass Integer



Can you tell which ArrayList<?>

is the superclass ArrayList<Integer>




is the same class as ArrayList<Integer>

. There is only one declaration for ArrayList<?>

and ArrayList<Integer>

, but these are different types:

public class ArrayList<E> extends AbstractList<E>
        implements List<E>, RandomAccess, Cloneable,



means that the generic type of the parameter can be any type.

Is the above example therefore displaying polymorphism?

I think yes.

What you are basically doing is assigning an instance of a type to a variable of a different type. These are "morphs".

Then it's fair to say what A<?>

is super class B<Integer>


Yes. This can be shown with the following code:

// BClass extends AClass
AClass<?> a = new AClass<String>();
BClass<Integer> b = new BClass<Integer>();
// prints true


This is because the type erasure occurs at runtime, so generic types are not displayed. Adoption A<T>

is superclass B<T>

means that A<Anything>

is a superclass B<Anything>




Let me define a superclass. According to JLS 8.1.4

Given the (possibly generic) class declaration for C<F1,...,Fn>

(n โ‰ฅ 0, C โ‰  Object), the direct superclass of the type class C<F1,...,Fn>

is the type specified in the extends clause of the C declaration if extends, or Object otherwise.

Let C<F1,...,Fn>

(n> 0) be a generic class declaration. The direct superclass of a parameterized class type C<T1,...,Tn>

, where Ti (1 โ‰ค i โ‰ค n) is the type, is D<U1 ฮธ,...,Uk ฮธ>

, where D<U1,...,Uk>

is the direct superclass C<F1,...,Fn>

, and ฮธ is the substitution [F1: = T1, ..., Fn: = Tn].

Class A is a subclass of class C if one of the following conditions is true:

a) A is a direct subclass of C
b) There is a class B such that A is a subclass of B and B is a subclass of C, applying this definition recursively.

Class C is called the superclass of class A whenever A is a subclass of C.

The only question that now remains is, can a template be considered a type?

The answer is missing as in JLS 4.1 again.

There are two types of types in the Java programming language: primitive types (ยง4.2) and reference types (ยง4.3).

Hence, the answer is:

Wildcarding as type arguments never makes a class a superclass. It is not considered in the inheritance chain.

Note. Type and Type Arguments are two different things.



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