I Can't Update Products in Shopify Using PHP

I want to update the version of products, but the following code doesn't work:

$shopify = shopify\client($store, SHOPIFY_APP_API_KEY, $access_token);

$product_array = array(
                        'id'    => 37247835908, 
                        'price' => "75.00"

$put = $shopify('PUT', '/admin/products/632910392.json',array(),$product_array); 


If anyone has an answer to this question then answer me thanks.


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1 answer

I got the answer to this question:

$shopify = shopify\client($store, SHOPIFY_APP_API_KEY, $access_token);

$product_array = array(
                        'id'    => 37247835908, 
                        'price' => "75.00"

$put = $shopify('PUT', '/admin/products/632910392.json',array(),$product_array); 


I can replace the query above as shown below and get a solution:

$product_array = array(


$put = $shopify('PUT /admin/variants/#{id}.json',array(),$product_array);


And I have successfully updated the option price.



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