Mobicents Restcomm Hello-World Implementation

I am following Mobicents Restcomm Guides for implementing Restcomm Client Android. I am following their quick guide to get this started. I imported their Hello-World program into Android Studio, but there are some problems. It is imported but it throws some errors. These are the following:

Error:(5, 18) error: package org.webrtc does not exist
Error:(6, 18) error: package org.webrtc does not exist
Error:(7, 18) error: package org.webrtc does not exist
Error:(19, 31) error: package PeerConnection does not exist
Error:(25, 12) error: cannot find symbol class SessionDescription
Error:(26, 12) error: cannot find symbol class SessionDescription
Error:(27, 17) error: cannot find symbol class IceCandidate
Error:(33, 32) error: package PeerConnection does not exist
Error:(36, 13) error: cannot find symbol class SessionDescription
Error:(36, 47) error: cannot find symbol class IceCandidate
Error:(65, 34) error: cannot find symbol class SessionDescription
Error:(65, 68) error: cannot find symbol class IceCandidate
Error:(110, 57) error: cannot find symbol class SessionDescription
Error:(141, 33) error: cannot find symbol class IceCandidate
Error:(149, 44) error: package PeerConnection does not exist
C:\Users\Nadeem Ilyas\Desktop\restcomm-android-sdk-1.0.0-BETA3\\src\main\java\org\mobicents\restcomm\android\client\sdk\


Please help me fix this problem. I would really appreciate your help in this matter.


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1 answer

It looks like jars and / or native libraries for the WebRTC implementation cannot be found for some reason. Have you downloaded the latest tar.bz2 package from the GitHub release page, or have you just cloned the GitHub repository?

If you did the first one, the jars and libraries should be there, but if you've cloned the repo you need to download and add separately from the GitHub debit because such binaries tend to make the repo huge and we don't put them there.

To check if you have files, go to RESTCOMM_ANDROID_SDK_ROOT / / libs. There you should find "libjingle_peerconnection_java.jar"


You will also need to edit and replace:

params.put("pref_sip_user", "bob");



params.put("pref_sip_user", "android-sdk");


As bob is a very common user and can be provided by someone else with an unknown password. This should fix your problem. By the way, you can also enable more verbose logging for RCClient by setting the log level before calling RCClient.initialize ():



Best regards, Antonis



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