Create a list of all combinations by replacing a symbol with many possibilities

I would like to create a new dataframe column containing a list of all combinations, replacing the symbol with many possibilities, e.g .:

I have a table generated with this code:

x <- expand.grid(rep(list(c('a', 'g', 't', 'c', 'n')), 3))
xx <- data.frame(, x))
tabcomb <-  droplevels(xx[grep('n',xx[,1]),,drop=TRUE])


This gives me a table of 61 rows, here are the first 10 rows:

> head(tabcomb,10)
 1  naa
 2  nga
 3  nta
 4  nca
 5  ana
 6  gna
 7  tna
 8  cna
 9  nna
 10 nag


The letter n

can be any of ('a', 'c', 't' or 'g')

. I would like to create a second column containing a list of all combinations obtained by replacing a letter n

to get a table that has this format:

 tabcomb  all

 1  naa   aaa caa taa gaa
 2  nga   aga cga tga gga
 3  nta   ata cta tta gta
 4  nca   aca cca tca gca
 5  ana   aaa aca ata aga
 6  gna   gaa ...
 7  tna   taa ....
 8  cna   ........
 9  nna   aaa taa gaa caa aaa aca aga ata .....
 10 nag   .......
 11 nnn   ...............................


PS the space between the combinations in the second column is optional (I put it in the example for explanation.


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2 answers

I think it works the way you wanted it to (and gives long answers where there are 2 or 3 ns in sequence) ...

df$A <- sapply(as.character(df$tabcomb),function(S) {
  v <- lapply(1:3,function(i) ifelse(substr(S,i,i)=="n",list(c('a', 'g', 't', 'c')),list(substr(S,i,i))))
  z <- expand.grid(v[[1]][[1]],v[[2]][[1]],v[[3]][[1]])
  zz <- paste(,z),collapse=" ")




df <- data.frame(tabcomb)
df$tabcomb <- as.character(df$tabcomb)

myfun <- function( x ) 
  a1 <- lapply( as.list( strsplit( x, '')[[1]] ), function( y ) {
    if( y == 'n') { y <- c('a', 'c', 't', 'g') }
  } )
  apply( expand.grid(a1), 1, paste, collapse = '' )

sapply( df$tabcomb, myfun )




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