Asp.Net Core google-signin oauth restrict access and get g-suite roles

I am creating a .NET Core app with web views where I need to authenticate users with a Google+ login. I followed this ( ) and can now log into my google user account. So far so good.

How do I restrict access to my app to only users on a specific domain?

How to get authenticated user roles defined in g-suite?

I tried to add scopes to the authentication options in Startup.cs, but I don't know how to extract / retrieve the information they contain.

        app.UseGoogleAuthentication(new GoogleOptions()
        {   Scope =
            {   "",
            ClientId = Configuration["Authentication:Google:ClientId"],
            ClientSecret = Configuration["Authentication:Google:ClientSecret"]



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1 answer

Well I ended up solving it myself ... Leaving this answer in case anyone else has this problem.

Snippet of code from AccountController.ExternalLoginCallback ()

    var info = await _signInManager.GetExternalLoginInfoAsync();
    foreach (var claim in info.Principal.Claims)
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Type: " + claim.Type + " Value: " + claim.Value);


This will print a list of claims that define roles and domain (hd).

Or, you can get claims in middleware (Startup.configure ()):

    app.UseGoogleAuthentication(new GoogleOptions()
        Scope =
        {   "",
        ClientId = Configuration["Authentication:Google:ClientId"],
        ClientSecret = Configuration["Authentication:Google:ClientSecret"],
        Events = new OAuthEvents()
            OnTicketReceived = e =>
                var claims = e.Principal.Claims;
                // Do something with claims
                return Task.CompletedTask;




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