Convert list R to JSON

Simple question - I would like to convert a list to JSON in R. Let's say this is my list:

listtest = list(
  list(section_id = NULL, name = 'name1', slug = 'slug1'),
  list(section_id = NULL, name = 'name2', slug = 'slug2'),
  list(section_id = NULL, name = 'name3', slug = 'slug3', categories = 
           list(section_id = NULL, name = 'name31', slug = 'slug31'),
           list(section_id = NULL, name = 'name32', slug = 'slug32')


Therefore I use simple

jsontest = toJSON(listtest, pretty = TRUE, auto_unbox = TRUE)


Then I get JSON like this:

    "section_id": {},
    "name": "name1",
    "slug": "slug1"
    "section_id": {},
    "name": "name2",
    "slug": "slug2"
    "section_id": {},
    "name": "name3",
    "slug": "slug3",
    "categories": [
        "section_id": {},
        "name": "name31",
        "slug": "slug31"
        "section_id": {},
        "name": "name32",
        "slug": "slug32"


However, at the beginning and at the end of the code, I get '[' and ']'. How can I get rid of this? When loading into mongoDB it gives me an error whereas without the brackets it works fine.


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2 answers

Use gsub()

jsontest <- gsub(pattern = '^\[', replacement = "", x = jsontest)
jsontest <- gsub(pattern = '\]$', replacement = "", x = jsontest)



    "section_id": {},
    "name": "name1",
    "slug": "slug1"
    "section_id": {},
    "name": "name2",
    "slug": "slug2"
    "section_id": {},
    "name": "name3",
    "slug": "slug3",
    "categories": [
        "section_id": {},
        "name": "name31",
        "slug": "slug31"
        "section_id": {},
        "name": "name32",
        "slug": "slug32"


Another json


> class(jsontest)
[1] "json"


But perhaps the empty space can cause some problems.



Using the mongolite package, you can simply use the insert () function to insert it directly into the collection.



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