Oracle not merging after TZ_OFFSET ()

Concatenation after executing TZ_OFFSET doesn't seem to register. Example:

SELECT '[' || TZ_OFFSET('Europe/Amsterdam') || ']' FROM DUAL


leads to:



Why doesn't concatenation happen after TZ_OFFSET ()?


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1 answer

It seems to be a bug (1937516, which I don't see, also 9861391, which refers to the underlying error 17291158, which I also don't see) combined with client behavior. In SQL * Plus or SQL Developer this looks fine - like:

select '[' || tz_offset('Europe/Amsterdam') || ']' from dual;

[+01:00 ]


with what appears to be extra space; although copying and pasting from a SQL Developer table where it displays the same also loses the closing bracket:



Dropping the generated value shows the problem:

select dump('[' || tz_offset('Europe/Amsterdam') || ']') from dual;

Typ=1 Len=9: 91,43,48,49,58,48,48,0,93


Note the 0 byte, which is a null character and is causing confusion.

Since the offset format is fixed, you can avoid this with a simple substr()


select '[' || substr(tz_offset('Europe/Amsterdam'), 1, 6) || ']' from dual;


select dump('[' || substr(tz_offset('Europe/Amsterdam'), 1, 6) || ']') from dual;

Typ=1 Len=8: 91,43,48,49,58,48,48,93


... or options replace()

or trim()

mentioned in comments; or anything else that removes the rogue character; even:

rtrim(tz_offset('Europe/Amsterdam'), chr(0))


Since the bugs are not visible in MoS, I'm not sure when (or if) it was fixed. It looks like it exists in and I see a thing in - it could be fixed in 12c. I don't see it in



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