Pyspark reads caffe models from HDFS

I am using the caffe library to detect images using the PySpark framework. I can run the spark program in local mode where the model is present on the local filesystem.

But when I want to deploy it in cluster mode, I don't know how to do it correctly. I've tried the following approach:

  • Add files to HDFS and use addfile

    or --file

    when submitting jobs


  • Reading the model in each working node with

    model_weight =SparkFiles.get('test.caffemodel') net = caffe.Net(model_define, model_weight, caffe.TEST)

Since it SparkFiles.get()

will return the local file location in the working node (not HDFS) so that I can restore my model using the path it returns. This approach also works fine in local mode, however in distributed mode it will result in the following error:

ERROR server.TransportRequestHandler: Error sending result StreamResponse{streamId=/files/xxx, byteCount=xxx, body=FileSegmentManagedBuffer{file=xxx, offset=0,length=xxxx}} to /; closing connection
io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:<init>(Ljava/io/File;JJ)V


It looks like the data is too big to be shuffled, as discussed in Apache Spark: Networking Errors Between Executors However, the model size is only about 1M.


I found that if the path in sc.addFile(path)

is on HDFS, no error will appear. However, when the path is on the local filesystem, an error will appear.

My questions

  • Is there any other possibility that will throw the above exception? than the file size. (Spark is powered by YARN and I am using the default shuffle service, not the external shuffle service)

  • If I don't add the file on upload, how can I read the model file from HDFS using PySpark? (So ​​that I can restore the model using the caffe API). Or is there a way to get a different path from    SparkFiles.get()


Any suggestions would be appreciated!


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