How to send POST requests with array properties (Ionic 2 HTTP plugin)?

In one of my Ionic 2 projects, I need to send a POST request to a server with a JSON body that looks like this:

var body = { "prop" : 1, 
  "prop2" : "Test", 
  "prop3": [{ "id" : "1", "qty": 1, "details": "Test" }] 


I am using the following code to call a server using a native HTTP plugin (1.2.0) in Android:, body, {}).then(function() { ... })


But my server is getting this:

{ "prop" : 1, 
  "prop2" : "Test", 
  "prop3": "[{ \"id\" : \"1\", \"qty\": 1, \"details\": \"Test\" }]"


As you can see, the "prop3" array property is converted to a string, so my server doesn't parse it because it expects an array, not a string.

One of the things I can do is change the server side code to parse this string back into an array (but that would be far from ideal). Another thing I could do is parse the JSON object manually using JSON.stringify.

So, is this just a bug in the plugin, or am I missing something here?

Built-in HTTP Plugin


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2 answers

So, looking at the source code of the plugin (Java I, I am testing my app on Android), it seems that I will not be able to use the plugin as is (I will need to change it). I found the following:

In, the request body is submitted as form data (simple key values).

request.form(this.getParams());  //Map<?, ?>


This is why my array property is being converted to a string (and any other complex object for that matter)

TL; DR this plugin is only useful for sending simple JSON key objects (no nesting, no complex objects, no arrays, etc.).



Try to install http.setDataSerializer("json");

AND send data as, body, {})

Then the http plugin will send data with content type application / json and support deep json structure as stated in the documentation:



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