How to use redux thunk to redirect after success or error?

I am new to Promises and React. I am using reducex-thunk in my activity creators to resolve Promises and I am invoking activity creators from my component. How can I navigate to a different url after a successful or unsuccessful request? I am attaching the code for the action creator of the delete function.

Should I set the state with the (routeTo) parameter when I submit it, with success?

Here's the delete function:

export function deletePost(id){
    var request = axios.delete(`${ROOT_URL}posts/${id}${API_KEY}`);

    return function(dispatch){
            console.log("I deleted";
            console.log("DELETE_ERROR: "+JSON.stringify(error));


I am calling this function from onclick function in my component.




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1 answer

The best way I've found for routing with a shortcut is to look at the URI part of my state and store it within the shortcut. There is a great react-router-redux library that does this for you.

Once you've configured your relay-router setup, you can simply dispatch actions to change location, so your teck would look like this:

import { push } from 'react-router-redux';

export function deletePost(id){
    var request = axios.delete(`${ROOT_URL}posts/${id}${API_KEY}`);

    return function(dispatch){
            console.log("I deleted";
            console.log("DELETE_ERROR: "+JSON.stringify(error));




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