Using Azure Factory Data to Get Data from REST API

Can I use Azure Data Factory to fetch data from a REST API and insert it into an Azure database table?


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The data factory now has an http connector , which allows you to perform a GET or POST (with a body) on an http endpoint.

For example:

    "name": "HttpLinkedService",
        "type": "Http",
            "authenticationType": "Anonymous",
            "url" : ""




I did this using Custom.Net Activities. I had to fetch data from the Salesforce API. I have an entry on how to do this here: activity / uses data storage, but you can store data anywhere.

Also see an example here from Microsoft:

Hope it helps.



This can be achieved with Data Factory. Factory data is useful if you want to run batches on a schedule and have one location for monitoring and control. Our GitHub registry has sample code for an HTTP downloader to blob here . The blob can then be consumed for other processing, like putting it on your desk. To do this, you will create a pipeline containing your custom loader and then a blob operation as an input dataset and a table as an output dataset.



Hi this is a custom data activity that downloads a file on an HTTP request. You can get what you want by making small changes. Hope it helps.



Is there a way to create paginated API calls using the response header where we get the total number of pages in the source system?



There is now REST support as a data source in Azure Data Factory, including pagination



Short answer: Yes :)

Long answer (mostly a tutorial):



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