How to display post Expending plugin on posts data table wordpress plugin

I am working on WordPress using the WordPress plugin post data table and im using Post Exping plugin I want to display expiration data in the WordPress data table.

                $post_data_trans = array( 
                '{id}' => $_post->ID, 
                '{title}' => $title, 
                '{category}' => get_the_category_list( ', ', '', $_post->ID ), 
                '{date}' => get_the_date( $date_format, $_post ),
                '{expiring}' => get_the_date( $date_format, $post_id, 'expire_date' ),
                '{author}' => $author, 
                '{content}' => $this->get_post_content( $args['content_length'] ) 


this code is for data table wordpress plugin I am using expiring column from Post Exping plugin and this is the code for expiration

if( $column_name === 'expiring' ){
        $postexpired = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'postexpired', true );
        if( preg_match("/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/", $postexpired) ) {
            $postexpired .= ' 00:00';
        echo !empty($postexpired) ? $postexpired : __('Never');


and I am only getting the date for the post, not the expiring date, please anyone can help me.


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