SQL selection with Distinct

With this data

Team Name Won
X    Andy  1
X    Cara  1
X    Cara  1
X    Eric  0
X    Eric  0
X    Eric  0
X    Eric  0
Y    Bill  0
Y    Dave  0
Y    Dave  1
Y    Dave  1


I want for each team the number of players and the number of winners

Team Players Winners
X       3       2
Y       2       1


Is it done in two queries:

select team, count(distinct Name) as Players from test group by team
select team, count(distinct Name) as Winners from test where Won=1 group by team


but I cannot make out the syntax to do this in one. TIA for your help. John


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3 answers

You can do conditional aggregation with case


select team,
    count(distinct name) as Players,
    count(distinct case when won = 1 then name end) as winners
from test
group by team




Try the following:

select team, count(distinct Name) as Players, sum(won) Winners 
from (select distinct * from test) tst 
group by team


You can test it here: http://rextester.com/QATLK24197



you can do it by group

select team, score (name) as players, beat (win) winners (select team, name, amount (excellent won), test team by team, name) group by team



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