Conditional selection on dataframe column

Hey. I am wondering how the conditional select works on a pandas column. In the code below

In [162]: euro16
Out[162]: {'Goals': [16, 8], 'Team': ['Germany', 'England']}

In [163]: euro16_df = pd.DataFrame(euro16)

In [164]: euro16_df[euro16_df.Team == 'Germany']
   Goals     Team
0     16  Germany


However, when you try to fulfill the condition for a command that includes access to strings, that is: Tell all commands starting with "G". I am getting KeyError.I really appreciate any information on what might be going on here.

euro16_df[euro16_df.Team[0] == 'G']



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2 answers

Use accessory str

euro16_df[euro16_df.Team.str[0] == 'G']




Str is also run.





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