"Segmentation Failure (Drop Core)" with Chassis

"Segmentation fault (core dumped)" appears when executing the following program. However, if I use the if ... else statement it doesn't give me any error. What is the reason for the error message in this case? How can I use a case statement without errors?

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]){

    if (argc == 1){
        cout << argv[0] << endl;
    if (argc == 2){
        int n;
        n = atoi(argv[0]);
        cout << n << endl;
    switch (argc){
        case 1:{
            cout << argv[0] << endl;
        case 2:{
            int n;
            n = atoi(argv[1]);
            cout << n << endl;

    return 0;



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1 answer

In your block, switch

no break

. Hence, every case will fail. This causes Undefined Behavior when argc

- 1

. You must break

exit the switch if you do not require a walkthrough.

switch (argc){
    case 1:{
        cout << argv[0] << endl;
    case 2:{
        int n;
        n = atoi(argv[1]);
        cout << n << endl;


From C ++ 17, when compilers warn you about implicit errors (not required), you can use an attribute [[fallthrough]]

to declare that your breakout is intentional.



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