C ++ 14 unique_ptr and make unique_ptr error using remote function 'std :: unique-ptr'

I have a function like this.

unique_ptr<Node> test(unique_ptr<Node> &&node, string key)
        return make_unique<Node>(key);
        return node;


I want to create a node if node is null or returns node. but he is wrong saying "using remote function" std :: unique_ptr "What did I do wrong?


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1 answer

The problem is how you call the function. But first of all, you must accept yours std::unique_ptr

by value, not by r-link.

Then you need to std::move()

provide a pointer when calling the function:

// accept by value
std::unique_ptr<Node> test(std::unique_ptr<Node> node)
        return std::make_unique<Node>();

    return node;

int main()
    auto n = std::make_unique<Node>();

    n = test(std::move(n)); // move the pointer


A std::unique_ptr

cannot be copied, otherwise it will not be unique. You can move them.



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