Variable Forwarding in bash vs ksh

I found this script:


readvar () {
    while read -r line
            declare "$line"
    done < "$1"
    echo ${!2}


Here: Bash Reading an array from an external file

I have a test.txt file:



If I do in bash:

readvar ./test.txt _127_0_0_1


I am getting output:



However, if I do the same in ksh, (Declare doesn't work in ksh, so I replaced it with a set.)


readvar () {
    while read -r line
            typeset "$line"
    done < "$1"
    echo ${!2}

readvar ./test.txt _127_0_0_1


I am getting output:

$ ./

./ syntax error at line 8: `2' unexpected Segmentation fault: 11


Why? And how can I get it to work in ksh? (ksh93 for that matter)


source to share

1 answer

Here man ksh


          Expands to the name of the variable referred to by vname.  
          This will be vname except when vname is a name reference.


As you can see, this is completely different from what bash does.

For indirection in, ksh

you can use nameref

(alias for typeset -n


foo() {
  nameref indirect="$1"
  echo "$indirect"
foo bar




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