How to satisfy an array of callback strings?

This is my first shot:

const planLimits = {plan1: {condition1: 50, ...}}

function initialisePlanLimits(planLimits) {
  const limits = new Map();
  Object.keys(planLimits).map((planId) => (
    const limitMap = new Map(Object.entries(planLimits[planId]));
    limits.set(planId, limitMap);
  return limits;


Linter marks this error: error Expected to return a value in this function array-callback-return

So, I changed this version:

function initialisePlanLimits(planLimits) {
  const limits = new Map();
  Object.keys(planLimits).map((planId) => (
    limits.set(planId, new Map(Object.entries(planLimits[planId])))
  return limits;


It throws another error Unexpected parentheses around single function argument having a body with no curly braces arrow-parens

My questions:

1) I believe I can fix my first version by sticking return null

to curry. But is there a better, more elegant way? Fake return statement doesn't make sense in this context

2) Why doesn't the second version work? Isn't this equivalent to the first version?


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2 answers

If I use forEach

instead map

, it doesn't produce a array-callback-return

lint error

 Object.keys(planLimits).forEach((planId) => (
    const limitMap = new Map(Object.entries(planLimits[planId]));
    limits.set(planId, limitMap);




With this sample ReactJS code showing a group of elements ... (showclass, index) => {
      $('.' + showclass).show();


I am getting this error ...

  Expected to return a value in arrow function  array-callback-return


The error goes away if I add one return to the above function, for example: (showclass, index) => {
      return $('.' + showclass).show();


map () is powerful. Do not drop this tool.



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