TextMesh Pro single plugin stops working after Unity update to 5.6 beta

I have updated the Unity3D beta to 5.6. I had an asset from a store called TextMesh Pro. Now it doesn't work (no text, lots of NRE). The console shows:

error CS1704: An assembly with the same name "TextMeshPro" has already been imported. Try to remove one of the links or sign the assembly Assets / TextMesh Pro / Plugins / TextMeshPro.dll (Symbol location associated with the previous error) Assets / TextMesh Pro / Plugins / Runtime-Only DLL / TextMeshPro.dll (Symbol location associated with the previous error)

I haven't imported this twice. The Unity 5.6 synopsis says that this asset will be built in one piece, but that's not all. Is there a workaround or fix for something like this?


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2 answers

Here's another approach that works.

Open your project folder, go to Assets

and delete the whole folder TextMesh Pro


After that go to:

C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Unity\Asset Store-5.x\Unity Technologies\Unity EssentialsBeta Content

and remove TextMesh Pro.unitypackage

After that go to the Asset store and you should be able to download the latest version that works seamlessly on Unity 2017.2




I fixed this issue by changing the import options for TextMeshPro.dll. A workaround can be found here .



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