Sonarqube vs sonarscanner

I have a very big confusion about what is the use of a sonar scanner when we have a sonarqube server? when i analyzed the soarqube server project it did the analysis and it worked well. I'm still confused as to why we need scanners.

Is it required when integrating with eclipse or maven or github? I have been doing research on this, but have not been able to get an exact answer to satisfy myself.


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1 answer

Sonarqube provides intelligence to perform scanning.

SonarScanner is a scanner developed by Sonar Source, the organization that also developed SonarQube.

SonarScanner is one of the many scanners available for our use. maven, gradle, ant, Jenkins a few others. This means maven does not depend on SonarScanner and you can simply use maven instead of SonarScanner. Hope this helps. However, I don't understand what you mean by analysis with Sonarqube! Since as far as I know Sonarqube server does not perform analysis and needs a tool to work



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