Fetching a record in a user related record in rails_admin

I installed the rails_admin

gem without any errors and its display models are red too, but I have a requirement where I need to show the current_user

entered associated data

For example a user has many books, so in rails admin I only want this user book, but currently it shows all user books, which is rails_admin by default

I am also trying to use cancancan

gem to achieve the same goal but my initializer configurator is not working rails_admin

as shown below

RailsAdmin.config do |config|
  ### Popular gems integration
  ## == Devise ==
   config.authenticate_with do
    warden.authenticate! scope: :user
   config.parent_controller = 'ApplicationController'
  ## == Cancan ==
  config.authorize_with :cancan,UserAbility
  ## == Pundit ==
  # config.authorize_with :pundit
  config.included_models = ["Book","User"]
  config.actions do
    dashboard                     # mandatory
    index                         # mandatory


The UserAbility class is implemented below:

  class UserAbility
  include CanCan::Ability

  def initialize(user)
    # Define abilities for the passed in user here. For example:
       if user.present?
         can :access, :dashboard
         can :manage, :Book,id:user.id



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2 answers

Instead, can :manage, :Book,id:user.id

try using:

can :read, Book, user_id: user.id


So, the abilities together look like this:

can :access, :rails_admin
can :dashboard
can :read, Book, user_id: user.id




I think you are underestimating the scope of the Rails Admin. Basically, this is a snapshot of your database and is intended for more administrative operations such as querying the database for something specific.

The only thing you could reasonably do is to view everything Book

for a given user, with all books downloaded by default for all users. Filters exist on the display to be able to narrow down based on user credentials such as username, email or ID.

For conceptual validation, the user in Rails Admin is not handled or treated as a user in your application. Instead, consider using Rails Admin as a way to validate data in your database, rather than displaying data for a specific authenticated person.

As you described, a more appropriate Rails way of doing this would be to create a controller and route for that data and just use current_user.books

it to get all the books for the current user.



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