Iterating on demand for use in Charts.js using Coldfusion

I'm trying to figure out how to iterate over a request for use with Charts.JS.


<cfquery name="bymonth" datasource="#application.dsn#"> 
SELECT DISTINCT r_vehicle, r_month, COUNT(*) 
FROM rsvs 
GROUP BY r_vehicle, r_month 
ORDER BY r_vehicle, r_month;


This gives me the following data:

    r_vehicle   r_month COUNT(*)
1   Limo        01      2
2   Limo        02      1
3   Limo        05      1
4   Limo        07      3
5   Limo        08      3
6   Limo        09      3
7   Limo        11      2
8   Charter Bus 01      3
9   Charter Bus 02      2
10  Charter Bus 03      2


Main excerpt from Chart.JS where I need to loop over this request:

            labels: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", 
            "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"],
                label: "r_vehicle",

                data: [

                (Number of times this vehicle was used per month - 
                Displayed as:   3,6,5,2,3,7,9,2,3,8,3,2)

                fill: false,


For any months that r_vehicle has not been used, I need to insert "null" (since they do not appear in the query results).

I've tried this in several ways, but it's just a few notches above my paid subscription! I really appreciate any help.

UPDATE: This should add "0" if the vehicle has not been used in a month:

<cfquery name="bymonth2" datasource="#application.dsn#"> 
SELECT DISTINCT r_vehicle, r_month, IFNULL(count(r_vehicle),0) AS vehCount
FROM rsvs 
GROUP BY r_vehicle, r_month 
ORDER BY r_vehicle, r_month;


So at this point, I think I just need to know how to iterate over the output like this:

LIMO (r_vehicle) 2,1,0,0,1,0,3,3,3,0,2,0 (vehCount)

Second update: I have the following code -

<cfquery name="bymonthLimos" datasource="#application.dsn#"> 
SELECT DISTINCT r_vehicle, r_month, IFNULL(count(r_vehicle),0) AS vehCount
FROM rsvs 
WHERE r_vehicle = 'Limo'
GROUP BY r_vehicle, r_month 
ORDER BY r_vehicle, r_month

<cfset MonthList = "01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12">
<cfset MonthValues = structNew()>
<cfloop list="#MonthList#" index="index" delimiters=",">
<cfset structInsert(MonthValues,"Month#index#", "0")>

<cfoutput query="bymonthLimos">
<cfset MonthCount = ValueList(bymonth2.vehCount, ",")>
#r_vehicle# - #MonthCount#<br>


I must be drawing the wrong conclusion, this is what I get:

Limousine - 3,2,2,2,1,1,3,4,3,5,5,7,1,5,13,17,16,12,17,7,16,7,9,13, 1,3,8,7,7,7,13,9,5,6,7,12,3,3,8,10,3,7,7,5,8,1,3,7,1, 1,3,4,7,7,2,1,2,1,1,3,3,3,2,1,1,3,1,2,3,5,5,1,2, 1, 1,2,1,1,5,3,6,7,8,6,11,8,7,3

3rd Update Changed code:

<cfquery name="bymonthLimos" datasource="#application.dsn#"> 
SELECT DISTINCT r_vehicle, r_month, COUNT(*) as count
FROM rsvs 
WHERE r_vehicle = 'Sedan'
GROUP BY r_vehicle, r_month 
ORDER BY r_vehicle, r_month

<cfset MonthList = "01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12">
<cfset MonthValues = structNew()>
<cfloop list="#MonthList#" index="index" delimiters=",">
<cfset structInsert(MonthValues,"Month#index#", "0")>

<cfoutput query="bymonthLimos">
<cfset StructUpdate(MonthValues, "Month#r_month#", #count#)>
#r_vehicle# - #count#<br>


Note: I changed it from Limo to Sedan because the Sedan has had a few months. I am currently getting:

Sedan - 1 Sedan - 1 Sedan - 3 Sedan - 1 Sedan - 2 Sedan - 3 Sedan - 5 Sedan - 5 Sedan - 1 Sedan - 2

Thank you TRose !!!

So the two problems I see are:

1) I only need a "sedan", which needs to be written once. 2) I need to fill the missing months with zero

Update 4:
Thanks again TROSE!
So now I have the following code:

<cfquery name="bymonthLimos" datasource="#application.dsn#"> 
SELECT DISTINCT r_vehicle, r_month, COUNT(*) as count
FROM rsvs 
WHERE r_vehicle = 'Sedan'
GROUP BY r_vehicle, r_month 
ORDER BY r_vehicle, r_month

<cfset MonthList = "01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12">
<cfset MonthValues = createObject("java", "java.util.LinkedHashMap").init() />
<cfloop list="#MonthList#" index="index" delimiters=",">
<cfset structInsert(MonthValues,"Month#index#", "0")>

<cfloop collection="#MonthValues#" item="key">
 #key#: #MonthValues[key]# <br />

<cfset step = 0>
<cfloop collection="#MonthValues#" item="key">
<cfset step++>#MonthValues[key]#<cfif step lt 12>,</cfif>

<cfoutput query="bymonthLimos">#r_vehicle# -
<cfset StructUpdate(MonthValues, "Month#r_month#", #count#)>



OUTPUT: Month01: 0 Month02: 0 Month03: 0 Month04: 0 Month05: 0 Month06: 0 Month07: 0 Month08: 0 Month09: 0 Month10: 0 Month11: 0 Month12: 0

OUTPUT2: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

OUTPUT3: Sedan - 1 Sedan - 1 Sedan - 3 Sedan - 1 Sedan - 2 Sedan - 3 Sedan - 5 Sedan - 5 Sedan - 1 Sedan - 2

Obviously I am missing something. I play with him to see what I can do.

Update 5

It seems to work, not sure what it was!

<cfset step = 0>
<cfloop collection="#MonthValues#" item="key">
<cfset step++>#MonthValues[key]#<cfif step lt 12>,</cfif>



OUTPUT4: Sedan 1, 1, 3, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 5, 1, 2

Yahoo !!! Thanks again!

Now works great with Chart.js script!

data: [
<cfset step = 0>
<cfloop collection="#MonthValues#" item="key">
<cfset step++>#MonthValues[key]#<cfif step lt 12>,</cfif>


Just wanted to point out some things:

1) CFOUTPUT stuff (not the ones in the Charts.JS tag) I had to put CFSILENT tags or the data is rendered in HTML.

2) The DB must have a month formatted as MM, not just M.


source to share

2 answers

This is a longer comment. Just curious to figure out the logic. Arrays and Lists are the bane of my existence and are always difficult to manage effectively, but I can give you a couple of hints.

How ... Structures are your friend!

I just looked at the Chart.js format. You can select Limousines and Charter Buses separately, and then iterate over any query as separate datasets on one graph. I think this is important, so we can only focus on the Month, what do you need to work with, huh?


So, for example, for Limos:

<cfquery name="bymonthLimos" datasource="#application.dsn#"> 
SELECT DISTINCT r_vehicle, r_month, COUNT(*) 
FROM rsvs 
GROUP BY r_vehicle, r_month 
ORDER BY r_vehicle, r_month
WHERE r_vehicle LIKE 'Limo';


This will give you a result set like this:

    r_vehicle   r_month COUNT(*)
1   Limo        01      2
2   Limo        02      1
3   Limo        05      1
4   Limo        07      3
5   Limo        08      3
6   Limo        09      3
7   Limo        11      2


So what I did, I created a list with all the months of the year, formatted as they appear in your database.

I looped over this list to create a Struct containing all the months of the year and a default "Count".

<cfset MonthList = "01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12">
<cfset MonthValues = structNew()>
<cfloop list="#MonthList#" index="index" delimiters=",">
    <cfset structInsert(MonthValues,"Month#index#", "0")>


Then take the data you actually have for months of limousine rental. Skip this request and update your Struct.

<cfoutput query="bymonthLimos">
<cfset StructUpdate(MonthValues, "Month#r_month#", #count#)>


You now have the correct account for each month, in order. I dropped it and it should look like this:

enter image description here

From here, you can iterate over it in whatever way you think is appropriate to create this list of numbers and connect it to Chart.js.

You can create a different dataset for any other vehicle type you want in the same way.


I see that you changed your request to include 0s. If you still need to create a list for Chart.js, try the List () value. Example:

<cfset MonthCount = ValueList(bymonth2.COUNT, ",")>



Ok, replace this:

<cfset MonthValues = structNew()>


With this.

<cfset MonthValues = createObject("java", "java.util.LinkedHashMap").init() />


They do the same thing, but the second keeps the structure information in a specific order.

After that, you can skip it to get the values.

<cfloop collection="#MonthValues#" item="key">
     #key#: #MonthValues[key]# <br />


You only need the #MonthValues[key]#

(bill) that will produce 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 3, 3, 3, 0, 2, 0

, but I've included everything for clarity.

After you finish the loop, you have your list. Just load it into your Chart plugin and format it. If I am interpreting your information page correctly, you can make as many shortcuts as you want for your data.

I took advantage of the freedom to fill in the first data (Limos) - so the code will look something like this when you're done.

     data: {
        labels: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", 
                "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"],
        datasets: [{
          label: 'Limos',
          data: [
<cfset step = 0>
<cfloop collection="#MonthValues#" item="key">
<cfset step++>#MonthValues[key]#<cfif step lt 12>,</cfif>
         backgroundColor: "rgba(153,255,51,1)"
          label: 'Charter Buses',
          data: [
          backgroundColor: "rgba(255,153,0,1)"





Using an existing table, another approach is to use a "number table" to generate the missing months. There are various ways to implement it: as a physical table, a view , or a CTE . (MySQL doesn't support CTEs yet, but you can easily do something like this with VIEW ). Then use a table of numbers with an OUTER JOIN to fill in any numbers of the missing months:

NB . Assuming the table contains a Year column, you can also filter the derived query by year number.

SELECT mo.Num AS MonthNum, COALESCE(res.ReservationCount, 0) AS ReservationCount
FROM  YourNumbersTable mo LEFT JOIN 
          SELECT r_month, COUNT(*) as ReservationCount
          FROM   rsvs 
          WHERE  r_vehicle = <cfqueryparam value="Limos" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">
          GROUP BY r_month 
      res ON res.r_month = mo.Num
WHERE  mo.Num BETWEEN 1 AND 12     


Then a simple ValueList () generates a list of values ​​used in your chart:

   datasets: [{
          label: 'Limos',
          data: [ #ValueList(yourLimoQuery.ReservationCount)# ]


As an aside, you might also consider normalizing the table to ensure data integrity and improve performance. Create a separate table for unique vehicle types:

  VehicleName VARCHAR(100) NULL,


Then save the vehicle ID (not the "name") in the booking table. For more flexibility in reports / graphical queries, store the full "date", not just the month / year.

CREATE TABLE VehicleReservation (
  VehicleReservationID INT AUTO_INCREMENT,
  VehicleID INT NULL,
  ReservationDate DATETIME NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY (VehicleReservationID),
   KEY VehicleID (VehicleID),
  CONSTRAINT fKVehicleReservation_VehicleID FOREIGN KEY (VehicleID) REFERENCES vehicle (VehicleID)




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