Delphi / android how to find the involved line of code at this address

In delphi and android my app raises this error: E / LogError (22894): Access violation at address 830330D2, access to address 00000000

Do they have any way to find out with a line of code the address 830330D2?


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1 answer

Have you created a .MAP file? This is the typical (if a little manual) way of connecting an address to the line of code it refers to, if it really is an address from your code. Find the closest address based on any suggested starting offset.

You may have to look at this answer to check it, as I think Delphi 10.2 Tokyo still makes it "difficult" to access the desired option. Basically plug in the command line compiler to generate the .MAP file in the IDE's compiler options box.

Unfortunately I don't have an Android-enabled product to test the exact steps with a map file, but hopefully this helps you along the way.



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