Return nil when looking up the path for the App Group

I have enabled the application group and created a group called "" enter image description here

And my code looks like this:

let plistPath3 = FileManager.default.containerURL(forSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier: "")
print(plistPath3) //returns "nil"


And it returns zero. Why is this happening?


source to share

1 answer

I ran into this error while developing a share extension. It turned out that although I added the application group right to the application target, I hadn't added it to the extension target. I needed to select an extension from the project / target dropdown:

A screenshot of Xcode that shows the location of the dropdown list with the projects and targets.

Then I clicked on the Features tab and enabled Application Groups. The application group I created for the application was already listed; I just needed to check its checkbox. When I ran the application again, it containerURL(forSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier:)

returned nonzero.



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