Making flexbox wrapped items consume vertical space

I'm trying to implement a "collage" layout with flexbox where the items are of undefined heights, but the fixed width can be "left" in a collage style (sort of like pintrest), but I'm having trouble getting the flex items to absorb the extra VERTICAL space.


<div class="widget-wrap">
    <div class="widget"> <!-- these elements are generated dynamically -->
        <!-- ~ indeterminate amount of content resulting of varying height ~ -->



.widget-wrap { 
    display: flex;
    flex-wrap: wrap;
    align-items: flex-start;

.widget {
    width: 33.33333%;
    margin-bottom: 0; /* my best guess */



enter image description here

As you can see, there are vertical spacing when one widget is larger than the others on the same line (I assume this was expected with align-items: flex-start

), but I would like all elements in subsequent lines to be meaningfully aligned to the element above them in my column, for example on pintrest .


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