Is it correct to use lodash inside a pure function to display the input value?

Is it possible to use lodash inside a pure function up to the

input value or can I only use the native

one which is slower?

For example:

let shortcuts =, (shortcut: any) => {
      case "Transfers":  return tassign(shortcut, { badge: action.payload.transfers }); 
      case "Payments":  return tassign(shortcut, { badge: action.payload.payments }); 
      case "Inbox":  return tassign(shortcut, { badge: action.payload.inbox }); 
      case "ConsolidatedPosition":  return tassign(shortcut, { badge: action.payload.consolidatedPosition }); 
      default: return shortcut; 

  return tassign(state, { shortcuts: shortcuts });



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2 answers

Lodash map

has no condition and no side effects, so that's okay.



A pure function is a function in which only the return value is determined by its input values, with no observable side effects.

Lodash map works in a similar way to (), which creates a new array with the results of calling the provided function on each element in that array.

As a general rule of thumb, to keep a function clean, always return a new value and do not perform any other operations outside the scope of that function, such as DOM-related operations, etc.

Pure functions and reduction:



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