How to return a list <class> in C #?

I tried to return List from method. But I only got the last iterations of the data in the list. Where did I go wrong? It overwrites the data in every loop in the list.

 public class ProjectData
     public string name { get; set; }
     public string id { get; set; }
     public string web_url { get; set; }

 public static List<ProjectData> GetProjectList()
     int pageCount = 0;
     bool check = true;
     List<ProjectData> copy = new List<ProjectData>();
     List<ProjectData> projectData = new List<ProjectData>();

     while (check)
         ProjectData NewProjectData = new ProjectData();
         pageCount = pageCount + 1;
         string userURL = "" + pageCount;
         HttpWebRequest requestforuser = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(userURL);
         HttpWebResponse responseforuser = requestforuser.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse;
         using (Stream responseStream = responseforuser.GetResponseStream())
             StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(responseStream, Encoding.UTF8);
             var JSONString = reader.ReadToEnd();
             projectData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<ProjectData>>(JSONString);
             if (JSONString == "[]")
                 check = false;
         copy = projectData.ToList();
     return copy;


I know there are over 300 data available to populate the list. I tested it using a breakpoint. In this I found that all data was loaded correctly. But it was not copied to the list copy<>

. Each time it is overwritten in the list copy<>

. How do I prevent recording?


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2 answers

In each iteration, you overwrite the values ​​with the copy

current value in projectData

and only the last value will be returned. in fact, projectData

they copy

are of projectData

the same type, i.e. List<ProjectData>

so you don't need to convert them again as List with .ToList()

. In short, you should use like this:



Instead for this copy = projectData.ToList();



Replace copy = projectData.ToList();




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