Using the same session in zf1, zf2 project

I have two applications in zf1 and zf2 on save server, I created login system in zf2, when I login to zf2 it works fine. Now I want to access zf2 session in zf1 showing

   [zf2_auth] => __PHP_Incomplete_Class Object
          [__PHP_Incomplete_Class_Name] => Zend\Stdlib\ArrayObject


How to solve this problem, I want to run zf1 and zf2 application in the same session.

Here is the directory structure for my project



Several times I manually create a session in zf1 than starting zf2, I cannot get the session as I want in zf2.

Any way I can use the same login / Auth for zf1 and zf2 apps

Thanks in Advance ...


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1 answer

ZF uses an object to store the session. When starting a php session, try deserializing the $ _SESSION variable and, if no PHP class object is found, create a __PHP_Incomplete_Class object.

You must start a session after the classes are autoloaded

Set session.auto_start = 0 to fix this.



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