Mongo to Postgres wrap - convert mongo hexa id field to shorter integer

Moving MongoDB to postgres.

Thanks to postgres JSON, which makes it easy to move attached documents as JSON. But the problem starts with the migration of the "ID" field.

Mongo generates large hexadecimal number 56c4100560b2d8308f4bde21

I tried to convert this to BigInt and unfortunately it is out of range 26397231623443762880753094891

  • The ID could not be re-generated as it was interconnected across documents throughout.

  • The string cannot be used as an id field as I am switching to Postgres + JPA and I will be using an auto generation sequence moving forward.

Is there a way I can shorten this hex to a shorter version of Int or BigInt, at the same time I have to support uuiqueness

I tried to take the module but it repeats


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1 answer

Your best option is to migrate MongoDB fields ObjectId

to PostgreSQL columns uuid

. Note that the UUID has more bytes, so you need to fill in the values.

More about this:

If you really want to use bigint

s, you have two options:

1. Creation of completely new values

  • create your schema (with tables, constraints, etc.)
    • in this schema use text

      / varchar

      for your values ObjectId

      (for now)
  • create foreign keys for all your relationships, ON UPDATE CASCADE

    for all columns ObjectId

  • create sequences for all tables that have columns ObjectId

  • update columns ObjectId

    (while they are still text

    / varchar


    UPDATE table_name
    SET    object_id_col = nextval('table_name_object_id_col_seq')::text

    (This will propagate changes to table references since foreign keys were set earlier.)

  • remove foreign keys
  • change the column types of those columns ObjectId


  • change your sequences as OWNED BY

    a table column
  • change tables to use nextval('table_name_object_id_col_seq')

    as defaults
  • re-add foreign keys

This method is guaranteed to never call duplicate values ​​during migration. And the sequence can be used to create new values ​​for the primary keys.

2. Use your original values ​​in any way

Truncation will result in loss of information, so you might end up with duplicate values ​​no matter which method you try. However, you can reduce the likelihood of this by using f.ex. bitwise XOR

(usually an operator #

in PostgreSQL) instead of a module.

With this function f.ex. you can use your original values ​​like:

  • start with 0

    (or with another, correct the initial value)
  • with each iteration use N number of least significant bits from the input
  • calculate the result as <the_previous_result> # <value_from_2.>

  • continue in 2.when there are more unused bits (input should be old but N least significant)

Here's a SQL function that does it:

create or replace function hex_xor(p_hex text, p_bits int default 64, p_default bigint default 0)
  returns bigint
  language sql
as $func$
  with recursive r as (
      select ('x' || p_hex)::varbit h, p_default r, 0 i
    union all
      select case
               when bit_length(h) <= p_bits then varbit ''
               else substring(h for bit_length(h) - p_bits)
             r # case
               when bit_length(h) <= p_bits then h::bit(64)::bigint
               else substring(h from bit_length(h) - p_bits + 1 for p_bits)::bigint
             i + 1
      from   r
      where  bit_length(h) > 0
  select   r
  from     r
  order by i desc
  limit    1


This assumes that the parameter is p_hex

indeed in hex, and the parameter is p_bits

never larger 64


But , if you just use it as it is, you may find yourself later, with conflicting values ​​on INSERT

. What you can do is f.ex. use:

select -hex_xor('56c4100560b2d8308f4bde21', 63)


when migrating. So migrated ObjectId

will always be negative, and subsequent generated primary keys (f.ex. from sequence) will always be positive.



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