How do I implement custom responses in Watson Virtual Agent?

Using the following code snippet, we can create the Watson Virtual Again widget:

<script src=''></script>
    el: 'ibm_chat_root',
    baseURL: '',
    botID: '___mybotid___',
    XIBMClientID: '__myclientid____',
    XIBMClientSecret: '___mysecret____'


This works well, but how do I add custom responses? Let's say we want to call a RESTful endpoint (for example

) - what are the steps to do this and what should be the format of the data the endpoint should send?

How do I configure this in Watson Virtual Agent?

In the current use case, we have a working application using Watson Discovery (which works well), but we need to connect the Watson Virtual Agent to Watson Discovery.

Since we might want to run some additional code, I think a REST endpoint would be better.

What is the correct way to do this?


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