There is no cached version of available for offline mode

I downloaded from here and unpacked it intoC:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\gradle\gradle-3.3\

In Android Studio File>Settings>Build, Execution,...>Build Tools>Gradle

I changed the setting to "Use Local Gradle Distribution" and "Home Path Gradle" changed to C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\gradle\gradle-3.3

and checked offline in Global Gradle Settings!

but this gradle error occurs during build:

Error: No cached version of available offline.

Also when I change offline to untested, this error occurs:

Error: Failed to get ' . Received status code 407 from server: Proxy authentication required

Also this path

does not contain gradle 3.3

what's my mistake?


source to share

1 answer

You are mixing gradle version and android gradle plugin version.

classpath '' // this is Android gradle plugin version


As is the case with this, the latest stable version of gradle is 3.5

. latest stable android gradle plugin 2.3.2




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