What is the difference between wp_siteurl and wp_homeurl in wordpress?

What is the difference between wp_siteurl and wp_homeurl in wordpress? And what is the meaning of these lines below:

/* Handle multi domain into single instance of wordpress installation*/

 define('WP_SITEURL', 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
 define('WP_HOME', 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);



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Home URL: The WP_HOME constant corresponds to the WordPress address (URL) input field in the Admin. It is used to determine the result of the home_url API function.

The home URL is the URL that you want your visitors to enter your blog. If you want to have a blog in / reflections then WP_HOME should behttp://example.com/musings

Site URL: The WP_SITEURL constant corresponds to the input field for the site address (URL) in Admin. And it is used to determine the result of the site_url API function.

The site URL must point to the path to your WordPress installation. If you installed WordPress in a subdirectory like / wordpress this path should behttp://example.com/wordpress.



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