Performance error with line breaks in base64 data with Spring-ws and Castor

I have a SOAP service implemented since spring-ws 2.2.0 with Castor 1.3.3 token. There is a base64Binary element in the WSDL file:

<xs:element type="xs:base64Binary" xmlns:xs="" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="bytes"/>


With a CXF client, the bytes are encoded on a single line:



With a 9 MB file, the request is processed in about 40 seconds .

With the SAP client, bytes are encoded with 76 char blocks:



And each LF is encoded with proper xml object &#xA;



With a 3 MB file, the request is processed in about 2 minutes and 40 seconds with the processor at 100%.

Could the performance issue be related to line breaks in the base64 stream? Maybe Castor, spring-ws or JDK issue?

Any advice?



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