How to set initial values ​​for custom inspector fields in unity

I have two similar classes ClassA

and ClassB

. Both classes contain bool:

In class A:

private bool _overwrite = true;

public bool overwrite
    get { return _overwrite; }
    set { _overwrite = value; }


In class B:

private bool _hide = true;

public bool hide
    get { return _hide; }
    set { _hide = value; }


Both scripts have CustomEditor

script. In both editor scripts, within the method OnInspectorGUI()

, the following two lines are used to add the appropriate bool to the inspector.

ClassA.overwrite = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft("Overwrite", ClassA.overwrite);

ClassB.hide = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft("Hide", ClassB.hide);

When I add ClassA to GameObject the "Overwrite" field is unchecked, however when I add ClassB to the GameObject the "Hide" field is checked.

I don't understand what is different, or what other factor is involved in setting the default / initial value for a property.

Ideally I want both of them checked by default.

Any ideas what I might be missing?

Thank you for your time,



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2 answers


the MonoBehaviours method seems like it will provide the functionality you are looking for. It will look something like this:

void Reset() 
    _overwrite = true;




What is it grabObject


If it's a component variable where you found a reference in the method OnEnable

, use the target


script variable and then just change the editor scripts to:

grabObject.overwrite = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft("Overwrite", grabObject.overwrite);



grabObject.hide = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft("Hide", grabObject.hide);


should solve your problem.



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