Visual Studio 2017 (ASP.NET Core) and Aurelia (ES6) from scratch?

Is there a tutorial somewhere that shows how to install and build Aurelia MANUALLY in Visual Studio 2017?

Why is this?

  • Ideally, I would like to use bundleconfig.json as much as I can and use gulp for the things I cannot do in bundleconfig.json.
  • I will explore every aspect of the build / package / package process as much as possible, instead of installing the toolbox for me. (Makes things easier to troubleshoot if I know how things are set up.)
  • I will not depend on the CLI and packages that are not updated up to date. (Several of these I have looked at are based on VS-2017 RC).

I've tried several CLI and skeleton projects, but they all have their own problems. Some of them have not been updated to use the latest csproj.

Aurelia CLI: The Project / Folder structure does not reflect the standard way I have seen creating SPA objects. Also does not reflect what you get when using your own Skeleton Aurelia project.

dotnew new spam patterns: Although the most promising is typescript, not ES6. (Maybe there is a way to easily switch it?)

Aurelia Skeleton projects . It adds dependencies that I don't need. It also doesn't work out of the box.


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1 answer

  • npm install aurelia-cli@0.30.1 - global
  • create a new vs solution in 2017 (ASP.NET core web app)
  • with command line, cd to solution root (not wwwroot)
  • au new --here
  • select RequireJS or SystemJS (my personal preference)
  • select option 2, core
  • select the rest of the options.
  • Run f5 in VS2017.



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