Drawing an "arrow" in the R plot legend

I have a "curve" and a vertically positioned "arrow" in an R plot ( see R code below ).

I was wondering if an actual arrow could be shown in the "legend" rather than a smooth, straight line to distinguish my arrow from a curve?

Here is my R code:

curve(dnorm(x), -4, 4, lwd = 3)

arrows(2, 0, 2, .3, code = 2, lwd = 3, col = 'red4')

legend("topleft", legend = c("Curve", "Arrow"), lwd = 3, col = c(1, "red4"))



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2 answers

Something like this might work

windows(width = 6, height = 6)
curve(dnorm(x), -4, 4, lwd = 3)
arrows(2, 0, 2, .3, code = 2, lwd = 3, col = 'red4')

#Get the co-oridnates of extremes
extremes = par("usr")

#Determine how 'long' the lines should be in legend
xx = (extremes[2] - extremes[1])/16 #Change as necessary
yy = (extremes[4] - extremes[3])/16 #Change as necessary

#Draw lines and arrows
lines(x = c(extremes[1]+xx, extremes[1]+2*xx),
    y = c(extremes[4]-yy, extremes[4]-yy),
    lwd = 3)

arrows(x0 = extremes[1]+xx, x1 = extremes[1]+2*xx,
    y0 = extremes[4]-2*yy, y1 = extremes[4]-2*yy,
    code = 2,
    lwd = 3,
    col = 'red4')

#Labels for legend
lab = c("Line", "Arrow")

#Write labels in legend
text(x = c(extremes[1]+2*xx,extremes[1]+2*xx),
    y = c(extremes[4]-yy, extremes[4]-2*yy),
    labels = lab,
    pos = 4)

#Maximum string width of labels
bx = max(strwidth(lab))*1.5

#Draw polygon
polygon(x = c(extremes[1], extremes[1]+2*xx+bx, extremes[1]+2*xx+bx, extremes[1]),
    y = c(extremes[4], extremes[4], extremes[4]-(length(lab)+1)*yy, extremes[4]-(length(lab)+1)*yy))


enter image description here



Here's how to put the right arrow in your legend instead of a string. You have to access font = 5 with par

to get the arrow symbol.

curve(dnorm(x), -4, 4, lwd = 3)
arrows(2, 0, 2, .3, code = 2, lwd = 3, col = 'red4')
legend("topleft", legend = c("Curve", "Arrow"),lwd = 3, col = c(1, "red4"),
lty=c(1,NA)) #normal legend. Do not plot line
par(font = 5) #change font to get arrows
legend("topleft", legend = c(NA,NA), pch=c(NA,174),lwd = 3, 
col = c(1, "red4"),lty=c(1,NA),bty="n") #legend with font=5, only right arrow
par(font = 1) #back to default


enter image description here



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