No such module JSQMessagesViewController

I am trying to import JSQMessagesViewController:

import JSQMessagesViewController


And it gives me a "no such module" error. I have seen many people on the internet with this problem, but I cannot find a solution. Here's my podfile:

# Uncomment this line to define a global platform for your project
platform :ios, ‘9.2# Uncomment this line if you're using Swift 

target ‘IXODES’ do
 pod 'JSQMessagesViewController'
 pod 'Firebase'
 pod 'Firebase/Core'
 pod 'Firebase/Database'
 pod 'Firebase/Auth'
 pod 'Firebase/Messaging'



I've tried cleaning the assembly, also pod deintegrate

, and then pod install

and pod update

. Nothing works and I can see the library in my project just like everything else. Any help?


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1 answer

you may have tried to import a file and the file is missing, a few things you can do. you can clean the project from cocoapods and reinstall cocoapod (this helped me at one time to get the same problem as the file), you can do it with

run this code on terminal

[sudo] gem install cocoapods-deintegrate


after execution

cd your file


and then run pod deintegrate

then you're all set! and reinstall it

---- another solution ---

try these

1-Adding all frameworks to project build phases -> Link to binaries with libraries

2 - selection of each structure and its creation. You can do this by selecting the project name next to the launch arrow.

3 - Clean up the project and restart the computer.

hope this helps



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