Capturing the entire ToolStripMenu tree with ToString

If I run the code in different areas of my menu tree, I only get one item, how would you first apply this logic to all the subcomponents of that menu tree, and secondly, illustrate the whole tree.

In the code I am showing only 1 stage of each used area



So the above will only show File or Save or Open and not File Open or File Save.

Should I use foreach with my toolstripmenuitem?


source to share

1 answer

Let's say I have MenuStrip

a ToolStripMenuItem

named fileToolStripMenuItem

(with text File

), which are sub-items New

and Open

. It also Open

has From file

and Recent

. To access everyone File


(that's the kids) you need a recursive method that goes through all the levels (for accessing the kids, grandchildren ...)

private IEnumerable<ToolStripMenuItem> GetChildToolStripItems(ToolStripMenuItem parent)
    if (parent.HasDropDownItems)
        foreach (ToolStripMenuItem child in parent.DropDownItems)

            yield return child;

            foreach (var nextLevel in GetChildToolStripItems(child))
                yield return nextLevel;


This method takes a first level menu item and returns IEnumberable<ToolStripMenuItem>

sou, after which you can iterate over it (to get a name, change a property, etc.).

Use it like this:

var list = GetChildToolStripItems(fileToolStripMenuItem);


In my example, this will return you to a set of sub-elements, such as: New, Open, From File, Recent


You can easily browse the collection and get the text of the item (to display in MessageBox

, for example:

MessageBox.Show(string.Join(", ", list.Select(x=>x.Text).ToArray()))


or, if you like, for example:

foreach (ToolStripMenuItem menuItem in list)
    MessageBox.Show(string.Format("item named: {0}, with text: {1}", menuItem.Name, menuItem.Text));


EDIT : After I saw the comment that the OP's idea is to get all items from MenuStrip

, here's an example of that.

I wrote an additional method that takes MenuStrip

as a parameter, iterates through everything ToolStripMenuItems

and calls the method for each item GetChildToolStripItems

. Returns a list of all top-level items and all children and children ...

private List<ToolStripMenuItem> GetAllMenuStripItems(MenuStrip menu)
    List<ToolStripMenuItem> collection = new List<ToolStripMenuItem>();
    foreach (ToolStripMenuItem item in menu.Items)
    return collection;



 var allItems = GetAllMenuStripItems(menuStrip1)


Hope it helps.



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