Session data is lost between two different calls on the same controller, why?

I have a "mixed" project with Symfony 3.2.6 (SF) and Zend Framework 1 (ZF). Sometimes I need to move from SF to ZF because not all of the code has been refactored | rewritten in SF. I am currently having problems because ZF and SF store things differently in the session. So far, my solution has been to look for an SF Request

or for a boolean object . Take a look at the code below which belongs to the ZF controller:

abstract class MainInitController extends Zend_Controller_Action

class ExportfileController extends MainInitController
    public static function registerZendDbSelect($reportId, $select, $options = [])
        $sess    = new Zend_Session_Namespace('exportfile');
        $reports = $sess->reports;
        if (isset($options['request']) && $options['request'] instanceof Request) {
            $session = new Session();
            $session->set('reports', $reports);

            return $shaKey;

        $sess->reports = $reports;

        return $shaKey;

    public static function fetchQuery($shaKey, $sf = false)
        if ($sf) {
            $session = new Session();
            $reportS = $session->get('reports');
        } else {
            $sess    = new Zend_Session_Namespace('exportfile');
            $reportS = $sess->reports;

        return $report;

    public function gridexportAction()
        $shaKey      = $this->getRequest()->getParam('key');
        $sf          = (bool) $this->getRequest()->getParam('sf');
        $report      = self::fetchQuery($shaKey, $sf);


The method registerZendDbSelect()

is executed on page load. This method belongs to the ZF class, but it is called from the Symfony controller:

class AgreementEditorGrid extends DynamicGrid

    protected function getExportLink()
        $reportId    = 'agreement_list';
        $exportQuery = clone $this->mappedSelect;
        $blocked      = ['actions'];
        $extra_fields = [];
        $options      = [
            'report_name'                => 'Agreement',
            'blocked_fields'             => $blocked,
            'extra_fields_selects_value' => $extra_fields,
            'request'                    => $this->request,

        $exportKey = ExportfileController::registerZendDbSelect($reportId, $exportQuery, $options);

        return "/exportfile/gridexport/key/{$exportKey}/sf/1";


I checked the data stored in the session by adding two sentences dump()

and it looks like this:

(new \Symfony\Component\VarDumper\VarDumper())->dump($session->get('reports'));
(new \Symfony\Component\VarDumper\VarDumper())->dump($session->getId());

array:1 [
  "48362e9fcfbe08d81ddcf534cd3fe19dfc9c8d7f" => array:4 [
    "query" => Query {#522
      -origQuery: "SELECT `agreement`.`agreement_id` AS `agreement.agreement_id`, `agreement`.`AgreementNumber` AS `agreement.AgreementNumber`, `agreement`.`StartDate` AS `agreement.StartDate`, `agreement`.`EndDate` AS `agreement.EndDate`, `agreement`.`AgreementTypeID` AS `agreement.AgreementTypeID`, `agreement`.`CFProgramLevelID` AS `agreement.CFProgramLevelID`, `agreement`.`TAMFlag` AS `agreement.TAMFlag`, `agreement`.`ParentAgreementNumber` AS `agreement.ParentAgreementNumber`, `agreement`.`DistributorID` AS `agreement.DistributorID`, `agreement`.`CustomerSiteID` AS `agreement.CustomerSiteID`, `agreement`.`Source` AS `agreement.Source`, `agreement`.`Status` AS `agreement.Status` FROM `agreement`"
      -select: null
      -query: false
      -mapFunction: null
      -paginationCount: null
      -paginationOffset: null
      -pagination: false
      -curRow: null
      -curKey: 0



Here is the complete link file.

The method gridexportAction()

is called when I click on a link that is on the same page it was called on registerZendDbSelect()


This is how the method is called fetchQuery()

. I checked the content reports

by dumping its content - inside the method fetchQuery()

, but the surprise is empty even if session_id

it hasn't changed:

$session = new Session();
$reportS = $session->get('reports');

(new \Symfony\Component\VarDumper\VarDumper())->dump($session->get('reports'));
(new \Symfony\Component\VarDumper\VarDumper())->dump($session->getId()); 



What's wrong here? Am I missing some of the basics of session management in Symfony or PHP or the web?


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