Effect of pure white on a color histogram

I am trying to use the KNN method to classify people in races based on their facial photos. I have a dataset on a pure white background [255, 255, 255].

I use the color bar chart values ​​as the feed input. I was told that I should remove the background color from the histogram to improve KNN performance.

Problem: When I create a mask from my photo that ignores the background, the histogram doesn't change one tiny bit.

Question: I'm not so into color theory that pure white affects the shape of the color histogram in general? When I use a regular mask that only centers (like in the image below), the histogram changes.

Constructed mask - no changes in the histogram

This is the mask I built on the picture, ignoring the background

Simple mask - change histogram

Simple mask to check the correct application of the mask

Original image

Source image for histogram calculation

Original and plotted mask histogram This is the histogram I get from the unmasked image and from my constructed mask, ignoring the white.

Simple mask histogram This is the histogram I get from cropping using my simple mask. histograms, so I believe my method of calculating the histogram is correct.

Code for calculating the histogram:

# loop over the image channels
for (chan, color) in zip(channels, colors):
    # create a histogram for the current channel and
    # concatenate the resulting histograms for each channel
    hist_full = opencv.calcHist([chan], [0], mask, [bin_amount], [0, bin_amount])

    # plot the histogram
    plt.plot(hist_full, color=color)
    plt.xlim([0, bin_amount])



The code to create the mask:

    mask = np.zeros(image.shape[:2], np.uint8)
    # simple mask option
    # mask[75:175, 75:175] = 255

    # create a mask to ignore white background in the histogram
    for row in range(0, len(image)):

        for col in range(0, len(image[0])):

            if (image[row][col] != np.asarray(prop.background)).all():
                    mask[row][col] = 255
                except IndexError:



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1 answer

See: http://docs.opencv.org/2.4/modules/imgproc/doc/histograms.html

An important part:

Python: cv2.calcHist (images, channels, mask, histSize, ranges [, hist [, accumulate]]) → hist

Parameters: ... ranges - an array of arrays of dims of histogram boundaries in each dimension. When the histogram is homogeneous (uniform = true), then for each measurement I just need to specify the lower (inclusive) border L_0 of the 0th histogram bin and the upper (exclusive) border U_ {\ texttt {histSize} [i] -1} for the last histogram binSize [i] -1.

Try to change this part of your code

hist_full = opencv.calcHist([chan], [0], mask, [bin_amount], [0, bin_amount])


in the following way

hist_full = opencv.calcHist([chan], [0], mask, [bin_amount], [0, 256])


You need to specify the range of real values ​​in the image (excluding the upper bound). Chances are you are now only counting 0-63 values ​​and ignoring 64-255 in your histogram.



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