Can't get excel macro to return after for loop

I am trying to make a little code that deletes an entire line when certain text is written to a cell.

Sub Delete_Rows()
For Each c In Range("B1:B20").Cells
    If c.Value = "text" Then
    End If 
Next c
End Sub


This is what I wrote in my excel sheet

excel sheet

The problem is when I run it and the condition to delete a cell is met, excel automatically scrolls to the next row without evaluating the current cell, it skips like this

enter image description here

I run it again and only the "text" of the numbers 4 and 9 remains

After I run it for the third time, it finally deletes every cell with text written on it.

I've tried using a while loop instead, offset selection, use an integer to subtract the loop iteration, and a few other ways and no luck.

Any ideas?


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1 answer

There are two options:

  • delete from bottom to top or
  • delete all matching lines at once (shown below):

Sub Delete_Rows()
    Dim deleteRange As Range
    For Each c In Range("B1:B20")
        If c.Value = "text" Then
            If deleteRange Is Nothing Then
                Set deleteRange = c
                Set deleteRange = Union(c, deleteRange)
            End If
        End If
    Next c
End Sub




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