Silverstripe $ url_handlers url patterns not working - namespaces seem to be in conflict

When I try to create routes for a RESTful API with the following $url_handlers

, it creates a conflict between the two patterns.

class API extends Controller {


    private static $url_handlers = array(
        'GET object' => 'read',
        'POST object' => 'create',
        'PUT object/$ID' => 'update',
        'PUT object/$ID/$OtherID' => 'assign',
        'DELETE object/$ID' => 'delete',
        'DELETE object/$ID/$OtherID' => 'unassign',




works great but object/1/1

fits the action update


What additional details can I add to make these templates work?


source to share

1 answer

I found the answer with zippy and flamerohr on Silverstripe Users Slack

URL patterns should be specified in order of most specific to least specific.

Option 1:

Edit the templates correctly and add a static segment between the variables so that the added specifics avoid template matching when it shouldn't, for example

private static $url_handlers = array(
    'GET object' => 'read',
    'POST object' => 'create',
    'PUT object/$ID/static-segment/$OtherID' => 'assign',
    'PUT object/$ID' => 'update',
    'DELETE object/$ID/static-segment/$OtherID' => 'unassign',
    'DELETE object/$ID' => 'delete',


Option 2:

Edit the templates correctly and use a convention !

to determine that the URL parameter must be provided to match the template, for example

private static $url_handlers = array(
    'GET object' => 'read',
    'POST object' => 'create',
    'PUT object/$ID/$OtherID!' => 'assign',
    'PUT object/$ID' => 'update',
    'DELETE object/$ID/$OtherID!' => 'unassign',
    'DELETE object/$ID' => 'delete',


This convention can be found in the Silverstripe documentation Routing




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