Npm script with npm_package_version

In the script section of my file, package.json

I am trying to rename some files in a directory, however I would like to enter a value on the command line that is taken from package.json

(version) itself.

So in the example build:rename

script below , I would like it to replace the token in the script ( somevalue

) before executing it.

In this case, I would like to pass in npm_package_version

so that it is part of the filename. I'm at a loss ...

"scripts": {
    "build:copy": "mkdirp dist && cp src/*.js dist/",
    "build:rename": "renamer --regex --find '(.+)(.js)' --replace '$1**somevalue**$2' dist/*"



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1 answer

The current version

referenced in package.json

can be referenced through a script using package.json vars like this:


In bash shells using the syntax - (note the dollar prefix $




In cmd.exe and Powershell using the syntax - (note the percent prefix and suffix %




To achieve this cross-platform utlize cross-var :

$ npm i -D cross-var


The script can be changed like this:

"scripts": {
  "build:rename": "cross-var \"renamer --regex --find '\\.js$' --replace '$npm_package_version.js' dist/*\""


Note: additional change in a regular expression --find

like cross-var

, do not seem to look nice when the value --replace

includes the dollar link ( $1

, $2

) in the brackets of substring / group in parenthesis in the value --find

. The new regex simply matches the part of files / lines ending in .js


Example directory

The launch of the updated build:rename

script (as version

in package.json

there 0.3.0

), rename .js

files in the directory dist

from this:

├── dist
│   ├── a.html
│   ├── b.css
│   ├── foo.js
│   ├── bar.js
│   └── quux.js


... to that:

├── dist
│   ├── a.html
│   ├── b.css
│   ├── foo0.3.0.js
│   ├── bar0.3.0.js
│   └── quux0.3.0.js


Additional note

The cp command used in the build:copy

script will also not work cross-platform. This can be replaced with the copyfiles package :

$ npm i -D copyfiles

... and the build:copy

script is then replaced with the following:

"scripts": {
  "build:copy": "copyfiles -u 1 \"src/*.js\" \"dist\"",


The part mkdirp dist &&

in your script then becomes redundant as copyfiles

with creating the necessary directory (i.e. dist


If cross platform is not needed for your use case, just leave the build:copy

script as it is and change your build:rename

script to:

"build:rename": "renamer --regex --find '\\.js$' --replace $npm_package_version'.js' dist/*"




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